All this year I have tested 5 foundations. It's time to choose the best, the number one of the year! It's just my opinion because we do not have the same skin type and the best for me is not the same for you.
Number 5 is.......Teint Miracle by Lancôme
Packaging: 4 / 5
Odor: 3 / 5
Dress: 3 / 5
Texture: 1 / 5
Color: 2 / 5
Coverage: 1/5
Number 5 has a really beautiful packaging but that's it!
No coverage just a gold film. Texture is too thin (liquid)
I used on summer but sold it 3 applications after!
It's good for people who have a good skin with no imperfection.
Number 4 is..................Clean normal skin by Cover Girl
Packaging: 3 / 5
Odor: 1 / 5
Dress: 3 / 5
Texture: 2 / 5
Color: 3/ 5
Coverage: 3/5
Number 4 is better than number 5. Coverage is not bad but texture (too fluid) and odor (too spicy) are terrible! It's good with a mineral powder on top.
I used it in the summer and in the winter and it's good for all saisons.
I used it in the summer and in the winter and it's good for all saisons.
Number 3 is...........Fit Me by Gemey Maybelline
Packaging: 4 / 5
Odor: 3 / 5
Dress: 3 / 5
Texture: 3 / 5
Color: 3 / 5
Coverage: 1/5
I won this foundation on website. I hate texture as the other two previous. Too translucent and too liquid...
Coverage is not really good and I need powder to ending my makeup.
As the Lancôme I guess it's a good foundation for perfect skin.
Number 2 is............ Smooth skin by NYC colors
Odor: 4 / 5
Dress: 4 / 5
Texture: 4 / 5
Color: 4 / 5
Coverage: 4 / 5
I love this number 2. It was almost my favorite but the only bad thing is packaging! It's impossible to use it. I need the handle of a brush to get off a piece of foundation.
Texture, coverage, dress, odor and color are Perfect for me! I love it !
Number 1 is......Super Stay 24hours by Gemey Maybelline
Odor: 5 / 5
Dress: 5 / 5
Texture: 5 / 5
Color: 5 / 5
Coverage: 5/5
The best number 1 of the year is : Super Spray! Everything is perfect! I can't make up me without it! Day and night I have a perfect skin foundation ;) I love his texture smooth and easy to blend.
It's a perfect match between this product and his name: Super!
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